20 may 2011


Branding - Logotype -Typography - Editorial Design - Identity System - Art Direction - Stationary - Web Design - Interactive Design - Custom - Publishing - Music Album Design - Package Design - Book / Magazine Design - Music Events & Concerts - Artist Bookings - Web Development.

Emma Butler

Illustrative typography and graphic design. 

Emma Butler

Fantastic Hysteria

A freelance Illustrator & Designer from Spain.

50 Fantastic Examples of Beverage Packaging Design

Packaging design can make or break the product that is being offered. Its a very hard to attract a customer and out do the competition sitting right next to you. Since all the items in the grocery stores are placed according to categories, you tea design better be more engaging than your competitors. To do that task fluently you will need to create a visual packaging masterpiece. The following collection includes beverages ranging from coffee, soda, tea, energy drinks, milk, and much more!

11 may 2011

Cuban film and political posters.

This archive of original Cuban posters is the collection of the Dulwich Poster Gallery in East Dulwich, London and is the result of 10 years of collecting Cuban film and political posters. 

The arcade machine marquee

A selection of Coin-Op/Arcade Machine “Marquees” .

Jean Le Roux

Freelance artist and illustrator and Tattooist.

Make your Franklin

Make your Franklin is a community art project. Is international, bearer of a cultural reflexion. With this mind, Make your Franklinsuggest each of you to re-create a symbol of modern society : the 100$ banknote.