Is a Minneapolis based half design office, half screen printing operation. Florafauna produces work for varied applications while always staying true to the original pursuit of creating hand made silk screened posters.
GIANTSUMO is the brainchild of James Rheem Davis. JRD was born in San Francisco, CA and raised in the Bay Area, but now resides in Phoenix, AZ. He uses his full birth name, but is not a serial killer. He is not a GIANT nor a SUMO. He is just a very boring individual who enjoys movies, music and especially cookies. JRD has created designs and posters for a wide variety of bands in 2 distinct styles. His art has an inspiring twisted beauty that draws from a variety of influences, including MTV (When they played videos), Horror Films, and Pop Culture. Major influences include Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, Frank Kozik, H.R. Giger, Dave Mckean, David Carson, Phil Hale and Kent Williams.
"Ivan was created from human parts donated by science. With part of his brain being constructed with dna from Robert Williams and Crumb. He was raised on a steady diet of rock and roll and soon after given a brush. Let us revel in the mystery of science."